“Jeunes Contre l’Antisémitisme” brings its fight against antisemitism to Belgian public services

CEJI and the Belgian Union of Jewish Students (UEJB) presented the conclusions of the “Jeunes Contre l’Antisémitisme” project, which is part of the “Act Against Racism” (2022) call for projects launched by the Equal Opportunities Department, at the instigation of the Secretary of State.
Coordinated by CEJI and the UEJB, the project aims to highlight the importance of combating antisemitism and to provide easy-to-use resources and tools for government officials and policy-makers to better understand the issue of antisemitism and the concrete ways in which it can be tackled.
It has three key components:
- The implementation of a survey conducted by the Centre de recherche et d’information socio-politiques (CRISP) on the policies against antisemitism related to youth at different levels of power in Belgium.
- Raising awareness among government officials in the fields of Justice, Public Health, and the Police, through the creation (and presentation) of trilingual brochures highlighting concepts and tools that will enable them to participate in the fight against antisemitism and foster a serene Jewish life in Belgium.
- Reaching out directly to the senior staff of Belgium’s political parties to provide in-depth training on antisemitism and Jewish life in Belgium and the solutions available to combat it.
To bring these objectives to fruition, a facilitation training project has been set up to prepare fifteen young adults to co-facilitate meetings and training sessions in French and Dutch alongside the CEJI and UEJB staff.
More information and the project resources can be found on the JCA/JTA website (in French): https://jca-jta.be