PRESS RELEASE: CEJI Hate Crime Monitoring & Recording Project Awarded EU Funding
Press release 7 July 2016 – CEJI – A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe is delighted to announce it has received a substantial amount from the European Commission Directorate General Justice – Fundamental rights and Union citizenship.These funds will support the new project “Facing all the Facts”. Built on the success of the European project “Facing Facts! – make hate crime visible”, this new phase of the project aims to build the capacities of law enforcement and public authorities to take a victim-centered approach to monitoring and recording hate crime and hate speech through online trainings.
The two-year grant will also support a research to identify gaps and opportunities to improve cooperation and data sharing between criminal justice systems and civil society organisations. The research will inform EU policy through evidenced and practice-based recommendations on improving hate crime and hate speech recording, reporting and training methods in these areas.
“We at CEJI are very proud Facing all the Facts has been awarded after a competitive application and review process, getting the highest score out of 125 eligible projects. This is a great recognition for our constant work on developing new training tools”, CEJI’s chairperson Baron Alain Philippson said, “We are grateful to all our partners and to the Facing Facts network of civil society organisations for their support”.
The project joins 11 partners from 9 European countries, representing different types of stakeholders, including law enforcement organisations, European organisations and civil society organisations active in hate crime and hate speech monitoring.
Facing all the Facts is a new milestone in the organisation’s continued effort in combating hate crime and hate speech.
For more information about the project please be in contact with Melissa Sonnino.
More about the Facing Facts project
More about CEJI
Read the report of the Facing Facts Forward Conference for a Victim Centred Approach to Tackling Hate Crime
The Facing all the Facts project is coordinated by CEJI in partnership with National University of Public Service (HU), National Police Chiefs’Council (UK), Osservatorio per la sicurezza contro gli atti discriminatori (IT), European Network Against Racism Ireland (IE), CIDI -Centrum Informatie en Documentatie Israël (NL), Community Security Trust (UK), European Network for Independent Living – ENIL, European Roma Information office – ERIO, Movimiento contra la Intolerancia (MCI), Praksis (GR)
Associated partners in the project are ILGA-Europe, European Network against Racism (ENAR), Social Platform, European Roma Rights Center (ERRC), European Network on Religion and Belief (ENORB) , European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS), Generation 2.0 (Greece),COC (Netherlands), Interfederal Center for Equal Opportunities – UNIA (Belgium), Institute for Criminal Policy Research – Birkbeck College (London), Justice 21 (Bulgaria)