Press release: The EU-funded project MultiMemo embraces a multidirectional approach to Holocaust commemoration

CEJI – A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe – organised the event “Echoes of Remembrance – A Journey through Memories”, a joint artistic Holocaust commemoration event that is part of the EU-funded project MultiMemo. It took place on Sunday, January 21 at the Jewish Museum of Belgium, and it had the participation of artists from different communities to foster a variety of narratives.
It was a significant step for a Brussels-based European Jewish organisation to plan an event with the aim of contributing to the development of a diverse, inclusive, and sustainable European memory culture by bringing different narratives and establishing a platform for dialogue about the varied memories of the Holocaust. The aim was to foster a more comprehensive and broader understanding of the genocides of the 2nd World War.
The event was structured in two parts. Firstly, it explored the concept of multidirectional memory and how it can be put into practice at a grassroots level through a panel discussion. The roundtable aimed to enhance the understanding of the multidirectional memory concept by exploring both academic and practical implications. The panel had the participation of Dr. Alexandra Janus (Fundacja Zapomniane), Magdalena Rubenfeld (FESTIVALT), Dr. Frederek Musall (Hochschule fur Jüdische Studien Heidelberg) and Johanan Seynave (Bnai Brith Europe).
The second part was an exploration of the applied concept featuring local artists from different backgrounds commemorating the holocaust through a multidirectional approach, thus honouring the memory of different communities bearing that suffering. In this case, there were Hady-Salomé Dahan – Jewish African descent Slam Poet Artist; Vilmos Csikós father and son – Roma musicians originally from Hungary; Shoshana Walfish – a Jewish painter based between Brussels and Montreal – and Céline Gaza – mixed-race African descendant and Polish mindfulness trainer and performer – who led a participatory ritual inspired by ancestral practices of Jewish women.
“Multi-directional memory allows us to see many perspectives and different stories overlapping”, said Magdalena Rubenfeld (FESTIVALT) during her intervention in the event.
In an era of misinformation and polarisation, this event was essential in highlighting the interconnection between historical narratives, which can contribute to raising awareness and facilitating informed discussions on Holocaust commemoration.
If you want to know more about it, follow CEJI on our Social Media channels (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn).
For media inquiries or additional information, please contact:
Camila Piastro, Intersectional Action and Policy Officer
Cathy Del Rizzo, CEJI Training Coordinator