PRESS RELEASE: United against hate crime in Italy
Facing Facts convened in Rome representatives of Italian law enforcement, Ministry of justice, Equality body and CSOs to improve the recognition and recording of hate crime in Italy.
Last week in the framework of the EU funded project Facing all the Facts, coordinated by the Brussels based INGO CEJI- A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe, a multi-stakeholders meeting was held at the Criminal Police Central Directorate for Security in Rome that marked a milestone towards better monitoring of hate crime in Italy.
The workshop organized in close partnership with OSCAD, the Observatory for Security and Discrimination in Italy, also full partner in the project, and was facilitated by Joanna Perry, a prominent international hate crime expert.
All participants in the meeting agreed on the absolute need for a joint effort among Italian stakeholders in order to recognize and understand the phenomenon of hate crime in Italy, to ease the work of front line police officers and better support victims. The meeting was extremely productive and resulted in practical ideas on how to improve the coordination among different stakeholders at both local and national level.
“We are very proud Facing all the Facts provided a safe and productive platform for dialogue” said Robin Sclafani, CEJI’s Director – “the aim of our project is in fact to provide with practical tools everyone committed to fight against hate crime in Europe. Having civil society representatives at the meeting was fundamental to bring the victims at the center of Italian national strategies to combat the phenomenon”.
Melissa Sonnino: – +32483083470
Facing all the Facts is a civil society initiative that aims to improve the recognition, recording of and responses to hate crime and hate speech at the national level and beyond by working across civil society and public authorities. The project is coordinated by CEJI in partnership with National University of Public Service (HU), National Police Chiefs’Council (UK), Osservatorio per la sicurezza contro gli atti discriminatori (IT), European Network Against Racism Ireland (IE), CIDI -Centrum Informatie en Documentatie Israël (NL), Community Security Trust (UK), European Network for Independent Living – ENIL, European Roma Information office – ERIO, Movimiento contra la Intolerancia (MCI), Praksis (GR)
OSCAD: Observatory for security against acts of discrimination (OSCAD) part of the Italian Ministry of Interior Department for public security is an inter-forces body established in 2010,within the Criminal Police Central directorate, with the aim of improving law enforcement responses to hate crime in Italy.
CEJI- A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe is an international non-profit organisation established in 1991. CEJI stands with individuals and organisations of all religions, cultures and backgrounds to promote a diverse and inclusive Europe. CEJI works to combat prejudice and discrimination and to promote social cohesion through training, education, dialogue and advocacy.
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Facing all the Facts is Funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union. |