The second edition of the NOA Project enhances its efforts against antisemitism in Europe
Coordinated by CEJI – A Jewish Contribution to Inclusive Europe – AEPJ, European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage, EUJS, the European Union of Jewish Students, and the WJC, World Jewish Congress have renewed their commitment to the NOA Project, aiming to amplify its positive impact.
NOA – Networks Overcoming Antisemitism, offers a pioneering approach to tackle the problem of rising antisemitism in Europe. It includes and covers governmental commitment, education policy, capacity building, and anti-bias narratives about Jews and Judaism.
Based on a first edition, the project is structuring its actions around 3 main objectives:
- The production of National Report Cards (NRC), based on the EU Council Declaration. These cards serve as benchmarking tools to aid in the development and implementation of National Action Plans to counter antisemitism in EU Member States.
- Equip educators with training and teaching tools that effectively counter antisemitic prejudice. Two new cohorts of train-the-trainers will be held.
- Make more visible a Jewish contribution to an inclusive Europe through NOA tools, including: The Profiles Campaign of positive narratives highlighting remarkable contributions from Jewish people to European society and NOA Compass, with its ever-growing online interactive database of initiatives that address antisemitism.