Webinar on antisemitic hate speech with John Mann MP
Register now for the online discussion!
Hate speech is a significant issue in Europe. Hate can manifest in different ways and it is crucial to understand the nuances that each form of hate can take and its impact on the affected communities to put forward better responses and prevention measures. In this webinar we will discuss the impact of antisemitic hate speech and the role of National and European institutions in combating it. Both lawmaking and practical experience will be shared by our guest speaker John Mann, UK Labour Member of the Parliament for Bassetlaw. Since 2005 John Mann has been Chair of the Parliamentary Committee Against Antisemitism and commissioned the All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Antisemitism. He is also the Chair of the International Coalition Against Antisemitism.
Date and Time: 30th October 2018, 2 pm Brussels time
Webinar’s objectives:
• Understand the current manifestation of antisemitic hate speech
• Understand the impact on communities
• Review the opportunities within National Parliaments and the EP to combat antisemitic hate speech – what actions are possible? (e.g. EP Resolution on combating antisemitism, working group etc.)
Participants: Max 40 participants
How: The webinar will last 45 minutes and will run on an online engagement platform called GotoMeeting. It is sufficient to have a stable internet connection to join the webinar or you can join through a local telephone number.
Registration is mandatory! https://tinyurl.com/ydhu375g
About the initiative: this webinar is organized in the framework of the EU funded project “The Parliament of Rights” aiming to contribute to a better understanding of the role of the European Parliament in the Union’s democratic life, with a particular focus on anti-discrimination and fundamental rights. The project is coordinated by OBC – Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso, in partnership with CEJI – A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe.
Want to learn more about hate speech? Sign up for free to CEJI’s Facing Facts Online course on hate speech http://www.facingfacts.eu/page/facing-facts-online-course-hate-speech
Want to learn more about the role of the European Parliament in the development of anti-discrimination law? Sign for free to the OBC educational kit https://moodle.balcanicaucaso.org/?lang=en