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Deadline extended: Call for Evaluators for the NOA project


CEJI is seeking an external evaluator for the Networks Overcoming Antisemitism (NOA) project, co-funded by the European Commission, under the Rights and Citizenship Programme of DG Justice (call reference: REC-RRAC-RACI-AG-2019). The project is led by CEJI-A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe in partnership with five network organisations: World Jewish Congress, B’nai B’rith Europe, AEPJ Jewish Heritage, European Union of Jewish Students and the European Union of Progressive Judaism. The project activities will last for 24 months and have started on 1 February 2020.

Download the Terms of References and Call for external evaluators.

Deadline extended until April 20th 2020.

Evaluation scope and objectives

  • To enhance processes and have a bigger impact
  • To adapt the project development plan according to the needs of the consortium and the target group
  • To act as a critical friend by providing supportive, constructive, critical guidance to the Project Team as appropriate and within the time and financial constraints of the project
  • To guarantee efficient leadership
  • To reinforce accountability, transparency and participation
  • To determine whether the results contribute to the project’s overall goal
  • To identify lessons learned and provide recommendations
  • To guarantee that the ethical grounds of the project are sound
  • To empower partners to improve and develop new capacities

The evaluation shall reflect on the following aspects:

  • Deviations from the original context and needs analysis as described in the project application (e.g. new policy developments or practices that are notably important) for the consortium to decide if and how to incorporate
  • Project effectiveness – based on the project timeline set by the consortium
  • Assess progress of the project made towards the achievement of results at the output and outcome levels
  • Efficiency of resources and budget allocation
  • Partners ownership of the project
  • Impact of project on partners, stakeholders, participants
  • Impact of project on national policy and practice
  • Impact of project on European policy and practice
  • Satisfaction of participants to the different events of the project (training of trainers, workshops, national gatherings etc)
  • Quality of the educational material and its comprehensibility
  • To determine whether the results offer value for money

Timing and deliverables

The following are expected deliverables, with respective timing:

  • An inception report [Mid-May 2020]
  • Evaluation toolbox to be employed during/after project activities [September 2020]
  • A mid-term report [January 2021]
  • A final report [January 2022]

Proposal submission

There is no defined format for the proposals. The proposals should include following elements:

  • CV(s) of the evaluator(s)
  • A sample of previous work, similar in scope and approach
  • An evaluation methodology with a tentative timeline
  • A detailed budget

Download the Terms of Reference and Call for external evaluators.

Please send your proposal to robin.sclafani@ceji.org by April 20th 2020.