Do you want to know how does CEJI contribute to an inclusive Europe? Watch this video to find {...}
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Since 1991, CEJI makes a Jewish contribution to an inclusive Europe, improving anti-discrimination policy and practice through educational {...}
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CEJI opens applications for ‘Overcoming Antisemitism Train the Trainer’. Jewish people continue to experience and encounter {...}
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Find the Italian version here. On July 11, 2024, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published its third survey on Jewish {...}
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“Antisemitism is a threat to our societies, and it is everyone's responsibility to combat, prevent, and eliminate it, when engaging in online and {...}
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Background In the framework of the EU-funded project SafeNet, CEJI - A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe, is looking for one {...}
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The Networks Overcoming Antisemitism (NOA) Project, coordinated by CEJI - A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe, is recruiting an experienced {...}
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The Networks Overcoming Antisemitism (NOA) Project, coordinated by CEJI-A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe, is recruiting an experienced {...}
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As part of the NOA (Networks Overcoming Antisemitism) project coordinated by CEJI, new “Guidelines on Fostering Jewish Life” are being {...}
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Avec le soutien de la COCOF, le CEJI - une Contribution Juive pour une Europe Inclusive - est heureux d’organiser une série de formations sur {...}
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The Beit Project is a European and Mediterranean youth initiative that combines learning about historical heritage with the fight against racism, {...}
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The Facing Facts Network, coordinated by CEJI, published a policy brief exploring the impact of the DSA on monitoring and responding to online {...}
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Thirty young leaders from diverse backgrounds participated in a week-long (June 10th - 16th) study session in Strasbourg organised by CEJI and the {...}
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CEJI met with other members of this High-Level Group to discuss the data and measures needed to respond to online hate speech, including a new IT {...}
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Senior CEJI staff participated in the conference “Taking a Closer Look at Racism: Preventing and Combatting Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes in the EU”, {...}
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The Dare Together project aims to build a more effective and robust European anti-discrimination field through disseminating educational programmes {...}
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Relation–Research, Knowledge, and Education Against Antisemitism is an EU-funded project that aims to define an innovative strategy against modern {...}
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Robin Sclafani, CEJI’s Executive Director, participated in a panel addressing rising intercommunity tensions across the EU and ways to foster {...}
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This week, five CEJI staff members facilitated the second part of a series of online workshops for over 60 local civil servants on better {...}
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Melissa Sonnino, CEJI’s Facing Facts Network Director, took part in the first partners meeting of the No Hate Police project, coordinated by {...}
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Melissa Sonnino, one of CEJI’s senior directors, took part in a webinar to examine the Italian and Austrian national strategies for combatting {...}
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Relation (Research, Knowledge, and Education Against Antisemitism) is an EU-funded project that aims to define an innovative strategy against modern {...}
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Stéphanie Lecesne, CEJI’s Training Director, participated in a workshop on Education against Antisemitism, Intolerance, and Discrimination in {...}
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CEJI resigned from ENAR on March 25, 2024. Please see our resignation letter {...}
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Coordinated by CEJI – A Jewish Contribution to Inclusive Europe - AEPJ, European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture {...}
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A cooperation between ENIL Youth Network and CEJI - a Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe. Arrival Date: 09 June 2024 Departure date: {...}
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La Libre Belgique a interviewé notre collègue Estelle Cincinatis (coordinatrice de NOA) au sujet de la montée de {...}
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Rituel participatif inspiré des pratiques ancestrales des femmes juives, guidé par Shoshana Walfish et Céline Gaza. Dans le cadre du projet {...}
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Participatory ritual inspired by ancestral practices of Jewish women guided by Shoshana Walfish and Céline Gaza. CEJI – A Jewish Contribution {...}
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Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence de dissémination du projet MultiMemo, couplé d’un événement artistique commun de {...}
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Graag nodigen we u uit voor de MultiMemo Conferentie en het Holocaust Herdenkingsevenement ‘Echo's van herinneringen’ - Een reis {...}
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We are pleased to invite you to the MultiMemo Dissemination Conference and Joint Artistic Holocaust Commemoration Event 'Echoes of Remembrance' - {...}
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Round table during the presentation of the conclusions of the project "Jeunes Contre l'Antisémitisme". CEJI and the Belgian Union of Jewish {...}
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European partners are implementing a 24 month project SafeNet: Monitoring and Reporting for Safer Online Environments. Joining 21 partners {...}
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Presentation of the FADE project and the NOA Italian Report Card in Rome. You can find this news published on the website of The Union of Italian {...}
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This article has been published in French by The Times of Israel: {...}
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En réponse à l’article “Guerre Israël-Hamas : « On n’empêchera pas l’importation du conflit à l’école” publié par Le Soir le {...}
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Presentation of the NOA National Report Card in Austria. A total of 80 participants, among which there were Austrian government officials as well {...}
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Après les événements tragiques de cette semaine, le CEJI propose son approche éducative pour atténuer les préjugés lors de la lecture des {...}
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In the aftermath of the tragic events this week, CEJI offers our educational approach to mitigate bias when reading the news. Our world now {...}
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As part of NOA’s mission to overcome antisemitism and promote a more inclusive society through education, CEJI is sharing a collection {...}
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The MultiMemo project (2023-2024) proposes an intersectional approach to remembrance – one that underscores the relevance of remembering for {...}
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As part of a new project with football stakeholders, CEJI is actively searching for a researcher to create an action-oriented Guidelines document on {...}
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We present CEJI’s national factsheets in French for June/July, showing data and drawing conclusions on our monitoring efforts in June-July, 2023. {...}
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European partners are implementing a 24 month project SafeNet: Monitoring and Reporting for Safer Online Environments. Joining 21 partners and {...}
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Last month, the third international meeting of the "Relation" project was held in Barcelona, an initiative financed by the European Union to unite {...}
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The sharp rise of recorded hate speech and hate crime incidents in Europe, both online and offline, has become particularly worrying, {...}
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On the 27th and 28th of June 2023, we organised the NOA European Conference to showcase the developments of the NOA project in its four years {...}
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CEJI is actively adopting intersectionality and striving to create safe spaces for Jewish and racialized communities. Rejecting intersectionality {...}
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27-28 June 2023, Brussels The NOA Project The NOA-Networks Overcoming Antisemitism project, launched in 2019, is an effort to innovate {...}
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On the 25th of May CEJI and ENCATE organised a workshop in Athens on antisemitism and fostering Jewish life. It was a space for discussion about {...}
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CEJI is implementing SafeNet, a 24-month project funded by the European Union. With the goal of creating safer online environments, it focuses on {...}
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Belieforama and its training programmes were created in 2004 by a diverse partnership of organisations, led by CEJI. Belieforama supports {...}
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Together with ECCAR, CEJI is working on the project “Collection of good practices and training for civil servants, social workers and partners {...}
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“Reflexive practice recognizes multiple truths and a diversity of perspectives, while privileging those voices typically excluded from policy {...}
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The ENAR (European Network Against Racism) Member Spotlight is a monthly series where they highlight the work of their member organisations. This {...}
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The original article, written in Italian, can be found here: {...}
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The Network Overcoming Antisemitism (NOA) project has compiled a benchmarking tool highlighting gaps and opportunities to improve government {...}
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On 6 July 2022, the Resolution on Intersectional discrimination in the European Union: the socio-economic situation of women of African, {...}
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CEJI is looking for 5 participants (18-25 years old) respectively from Belgium, Italy, Romania and Spain for a total of 20 participants to take {...}
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CEJI is looking for 5 students in Belgium to help monitor online environments. Background/Purpose In the framework of the EU-funded project {...}
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Robin Sclafani, CEJI Director Youth today are often associated in the headlines as part of devastating statistics about mental health or {...}
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Robin Sclafani, director of CEJI, who analysed measures to combat antisemitism in Belgium, answered questions from Fabrice Grosfilley in + d'Actu on {...}
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CEJI has decided to freeze its Twitter account in response to the irresponsible actions of Twitter’s leadership. We condemn the purposeful threat {...}
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The European Commission organised on the 16th of November its first "Civil Society Forum on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life". {...}
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The European Commission launched on Wednesday 16th of November the network of Young European Ambassadors to promote Holocaust Remembrance {...}
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Camila Piastro, Intersectional Action Officer Our world is written and recorded by and for, cis, straight, white, and able-bodied men. Our world {...}
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Amy Leete, Communications Officer As technology rapidly develops, the spaces in which hateful ideologies grow are changing at a rate never seen {...}
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Amy Leete, Communications Officer Ask most people what an algorithm is, and they’ll struggle to find an answer. It’s a term thrown around on {...}
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Amy Leete, Communications Officer Reddit is a social news site where a wide variety of content is shared for users to comment and discuss. {...}
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“Antisemitism is a structural pillar of racism, and racism will not be eradicated without overcoming antisemitism. By acknowledging existing gaps {...}
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On 21 March, CEJI Director Robin Sclafani and CEJI Board Member Ronny Nafthaniel joined MEPs, Commissioners and UN Representatives as speakers at {...}
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CEJI condemns Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and we are deeply troubled by its impact on human life. There are profound {...}
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CEJI congratulates the European Commission on the very ambitious action plan to tackle antisemitism and to foster Jewish life in Europe. We are {...}
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CEJI joined more than 30 European civil society organisations in an appeal on the Digital Services Act (DSA) with a particular focus on hateful {...}
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On the one-year anniversary of the European Union's Anti-Racism Action Plan, CEJI joins other civil society organizations in recommending a list of {...}
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Back by popular demand, a new Facing Facts – WE CAN cohort is scheduled for this fall to cater to all participants who have missed the previous {...}
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Organised within the WE CAN for human rights speech project by CEJI and the Council of Europe Background Antisemitic hate speech has always {...}
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The European Roma Grassroots Organisations (ERGO) Network, together with other Roma and pro-Roma and antiracism civil society organisations and {...}
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CEJI-A Jewish contribution to an inclusive Europe hereby expresses its full solidarity with the LGBT community and joins the list of organizations {...}
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Join the Olga Lengyel Institute (TOLI) and the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) for a panel discussion with experts from the US and Europe on {...}
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Watch below the interview with CEJI Director Robin Sclafani by Giuseppe Marletta, Managing Director, Europe of the Association of Corporate Counsel {...}
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The document, that includes recommendations on the implementation of the Council Declaration on combating antisemitism, was presented at the 5th {...}
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Hate speech is rampant across social media channels and there is a a clear need to both counter it and to establish alternative narratives. Recent {...}
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CEJI Director Robin Sclafani joined TikTok's Safety Advisory Council for Europe, channeling her expertise in anti-bias training and hate incidents {...}
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On 29th December CEJI Communication and Policy Officer Julia Mozer participated in a panel discussion on online hate and antisemitism, emphasizing {...}
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The Court of Justice of the European Union issued a ruling allowing member countries to impose non-lethal stunning before the killing of animals. {...}
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Thanks to all our generous contributors for taking part in our 24 hour-long crowdfunding campaign titled "Let there be light", concluding on Human {...}
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CEJI needs your help. With your support, we can take our work to the next level on 9th December. Help us continue our educational role in {...}
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The OSCE-ODIHR and The Cities Faith& Communities Forum co-organized the webinar on ‘Intolerance and Hate in the age of of Covid-19’. At a {...}
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On 26th November CEJI Facing Facts Coordinator Melissa Sonnino participated in OSCE-ODHIR Enhancing Stakeholder Awareness and Resources for Hate {...}
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Marking the anniversary of Kristallnacht, the annual anti-bias training on antisemitism for the staff of the European Commission was for the first {...}
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Earlier today the social media giant updated its global policy on hate speech to include any form of Holocaust denial and distortion. The move {...}
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ENCATE (European Network Countering Antisemitism Through Education) will be featuring CEJI in their next online lunch talk on 25th September, {...}
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Major Jewish organizations launch unified position on tackling antisemitism online in response to European Commission consultation CEJI, along {...}
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Julia Mozer, Hate Speech Adviser, speaks about the rise of hate during COVID-19 pandemic (from minute {...}
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Read below the intervention delivered by CEJI Director Robin Sclafani on July 20, 2020 during the Consultation Meeting with Vice-President Věra {...}
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Robin Sclafani, Director of CEJI – A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe. As the murder of George Floyd has highlighted, racist {...}
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NOA – Networks Overcoming Antisemitism, offers a pioneering approach to tackle the problem of rising antisemitism in Europe. With its unique {...}
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CEJI's Hate Speech Advisor Julia Mozer held a webinar on the 28th May for the young ambassadors of the Holocaust Educational Trust in the {...}
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CEJI's Communication Officer and Hate Speech Advisor Julia Mozer spoke on NBC's Global Hangout series that discussed news in connection to the {...}
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Take this 3 minutes-long survey so that we can improve our newsletter on EU policy news. Fill it out below or by following this link. Thank you for {...}
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The new project bringing together major Jewish organizations to fight antisemitism, coordinated by CEJI, has launched its brand new website this {...}
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The NOA Project - Networks Overcoming Antisemitism, will feature regular social media campaigns that will focus on past and present Jewish {...}
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Launched on 1st February 2020, NOA - Networks Overcoming Antisemitism, offers a pioneering approach to tackle the problem of rising antisemitism in {...}
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Intervista a Melissa Sonnino, formatrice e coordinatrice di progetti dell’organizzazione europea CEJI C’è un posto nel cuore {...}
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CEJI is seeking an external evaluator for the Networks Overcoming Antisemitism (NOA) project, co-funded by the European Commission, under the Rights {...}
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The first co-ordination meeting for the consortium of the two-year project “WE CAN for human rights speech” (WECAN4HRS) took place on 11-12 {...}
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CEJI has developed a short video course for the European Journalist Center designed specifically for journalists on hate speech to equip them with {...}
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Read the article written by Facing Facts Coordinator Melissa Sonnino for the Italian newspaper Panorama, addressing the issue of {...}
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Explore the role of interfaith education in building resilient communities in this new course developed by CEJI and the European University Institute {...}
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Read the 2019 edition of CEJI Flash, the summary of CEJI's work and achievements from training to advocacy, from diversity education to tackling {...}
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Are you interested in monitoring hate speech? Would you like to learn from experienced professionals how to do it best? …then join the {...}
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CEJI has developed a 45 minutes-long online video course for journalist on hate speech and how it can be best countered. This introductory course {...}
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How can antisemitism still exist in Europe? We’re living in 2019, not 1939. Yet report after report after report show increasing levels of hate and {...}
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We are horrified by the violent antisemitic attack yesterday in Halle on Yom Kippur. Our thoughts are with the families of the two victims of this {...}
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