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Private: Overcoming Antisemitism 5-day Train-the-Trainer. Call for participants 


5th to 10th November 2023, Krakow

CEJI is looking for participants to join the program ‘Overcoming Antisemitism Train The Trainer’.   

The training will be held in Krakow from the 5th to the 10th of November and it will focus on educational methods to change prejudiced attitudes and discriminatory behaviours towards the Jewish community, aiming to foster Jewish life and promote inclusive and equitable societies. These new trainers will be equipped to collectively reach 500 individuals and serve as long-term resources for combating bias.  

What sets this training apart is its innovative approach and the focus on local activities. We believe that the most impactful solutions are born from within our communities, where local challenges are understood intimately, and unique perspectives can be brought to the table. By enrolling this training, you will not only gain cutting-edge education skills but also learn how to apply them directly to the challenges faced by your own community. 

The added value of this training  

This training will provide you access to new activities to tackle antisemitism as part of the NOA EU project.  

You will have the opportunity to attend captivating activities such as: 

  • a contemporary local context of Jewish life by Jewish activists; 
  • a critical tour of Jewish Krakow by FestivALT, our partner in Poland; 
  • an evening presentation of the EU project MultiMemo with our partners in Poland UMF and FestivALT;  
  • an optional visit to the former camp KL Plaszow on Friday morning (the training will end Thursday late afternoon).  

Training methodology   

Participants in the Train-the-Trainer program will not just receive information, but they will also be encouraged to be active by sharing their own experiences, perspectives, and opinions. The training covers various aspects of antisemitism across different social sectors, including youth, schools, sports, interfaith spaces, civil society, and public authorities. It employs a proven pedagogical process for effective anti-bias training in addressing contemporary issues.  

 A newly developed trainers manual will be provided, offering a range of activities that can be tailored to specific contexts and learning needs. This manual equips participants to tackle local pedagogical challenges effectively.  

NOA community  

Following the training, the new trainers will receive coaching to develop their own sustainable local strategies. They will be expected to deliver a minimum of two workshops within the next year. Additionally, they will become part of the NOA community of practice, where each individual and organization contributes to fostering an inclusive and democratic Europe that supports thriving Jewish communities.  


This program is funded by the Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund in partnership with the Urban Memory Foundation (UMF), FestivALT, and CEJI.  

The funding covers: 

  • the travel costs up to a maximum of 250€ per participant;  
  • 5 lunches, 9 coffee breaks and 2 group dinners;  

The accommodation will remain at your own expense.

Request to register here.