BRaVE (2019-2021)
BRaVE is an EU-funded research project researching the impact of, and means of responding to, extremism in nine different European countries. Critically assessing and comparing scholarly literature, current policy approaches and current practice, this project aims to develop an integrated database of good practice response, as well as supporting the development of toolsets for building resilience to violent extremism and polarisation throughout Europe.
Visit the project website here.
Exploring resilience as a response to violent extremism and polarisation
BRaVE asks:
- What can European countries learn from analysis of scholarly literature, current policy approaches and current practice on combatting violent extremism and polarisation?
- What tools can we develop to support practitioners, policy makers and stakeholders across Europe in building societal resilience?
We aim to create indicators for understanding processes of violent extremism and polarisation
We aim to produce robust scholarly insights and strong policy recommendations for building resilience against radicalisation.
BRaVE aims to bring to systematise existing knowledge and assess the impact of policies and practices of prevention of extreme ideologies and polarisation in European societies.
The BRaVE project comes at a time of great global uncertainty when European societies are at risk of becoming increasingly polarised. Vulnerable social groups – including ethnic minorities, migrants and a growing number of people disenfranchised by perceived and real inequality – may be seduced by the powerful sense of belonging and purpose offered by joining extremist groups or movements.
The project will survey relevant literature, projects and programmes on the national, European and international level aim at counteracting polarisation and extreme ideologies. From this, it will design and build a set of Polarisation Indicators, supported by workshops and surveys. Launch online and on-site activities around three main thematic areas:
- The role of historical and cultural factors
- The role of real and perceived socio-economic inequalities
- The role of media and in particular of social media
BRaVE Platform
The BRaVE Platform will act as a means of collecting and sharing existing projects, running analysis and creating new approaches. We will: organise available evidence and encourage exchange and networking among established projects engaged in the fields of polarisation and extremism; design and create online and on-site activities involving NGO practitioners and educators working in the fields of Islamist and right-wing ideological extremism; and develop policy tools that contribute to preventing and mitigating polarisation.